時裝就是快人一步,正當大家在香港街頭快被熱到靈魂出竅之際,Dior已靜悄悄地推出了全新DiorAlps Capsule Collection,這個由Maria Grazia Chiuri親自操刀的滑雪系列,糅合了熟悉的DIor Oblique圖案與近季新推的Plan de Paris街道圖設計,還有別具復古格調的紅白藍條子與箭紋,如此精緻的雪具令不懂滑雪的我也徹底淪陷了!
(left) wool and cashmere sweater, silver quilted taffeta pants, snow boots and ski hat DIOR<br /> (right) quilted taffeta peacoat, gabardine corset, cashmere cardigan, scuba pants, snow boots and shearling beanie DIOR(圖片來源:DIOR)
silver taffeta jumpsuit, stand collar sweater, snow boots and ski hat DIOR(圖片來源:DIOR)
(left) stand collar sweater, scuba pants, ski hat, goggles and gloves<br /> (right) stand collar sweater, scuba pants, ski hat and ski sunglasses DIOR(圖片來源:DIOR)
oblique quilted peacoat, wool and cashmere sweater and scuba pants DIOR(圖片來源:DIOR)
quilted taffeta peacoat, cashmere cardigan and scuba pants DIOR(圖片來源:DIOR)
(left) black cashmere cardigan, knit sweater with Dior star motif and scuba pants<br /> (middle) stand collar sweater, quilted taffeta overall, snow boots, goggles and ski hat<br /> (right) quilted taffeta peacoat, knit sweater, scuba pants, snow boots and beanie DIOR(圖片來源:DIOR)
(left) stand collar sweater and suba pants<br /> (right) knit sweater, suba pants, snow boots and shearling beanie DIOR (圖片來源:DIOR)