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法國五月French May專訪四位香港文藝代表
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#FigaroIssue 專訪陳漢娜Hanna與Takuro|模特情侶談愛情
當巨蟹座遇上處女座 Tyson Yoshi x 林家謙




舉世哀悼英女王(圖片來源:Instagram @theroyalfamily)

2021年是英女王Queen Elizabeth II在1947與菲臘親王結婚後,73年以來首個沒有丈夫陪伴左右的生日……想不到2022年女王卻於天國跟至愛相聚。對於不少香港人來說都是這麼近又那麼遠的「事頭婆」。活了差不多百歲的英女王,不只是世界史上在位時間最長的女性君主,她多年來堅守崗位,即使確診新冠肺炎仍堅持繼續執行公務,展現出堅毅的領導風範,多年來一直深受民眾愛戴。

英女王與親王在天國再聚(圖片來源:Instagram @theroyalfamily)


(圖片來源:Instagram @theroyalfamily)



“To do nothing is often the best course of action, but I know from personal experience how frustrating it can be. History was not made by those who did nothing.”



“Cowards falter, but danger is often overcome by those who nobly dare.”

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



“Grief is the price we pay for love.”



“Good memories are our second chance at happiness.”

英女王2021年的生活照(圖片來源:Instagram @theroyalfamily)



“When life seems hard, the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat; instead, they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future”



“I hope people will think very carefully about the future.”

英女王於1975年到訪香港的記錄。photo by Bill Gibson-Patmore(圖片來源:Instagram @theroyalfamily)



“Everyone is our neighbor, no matter what race, creed or colour.”



“It has always been easy to hate and destroy. To build and to cherish is much more difficult.”

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



“If I wore beige, nobody would know who I am.”



“Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom.”

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



“Whatever life throws at us, our individual responses will be all the stronger for working together and sharing the load.”



“I know of no single formula for success.”

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



“It has been women who have breathed gentleness and care into the harsh progress of mankind.”



“Although we are capable of great acts of kindness, history teaches us that we sometimes need saving from ourselves–from our recklessness or our greed.”

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



“And though self-isolating may at times be hard, many people of all faiths, and of none, are discovering that it presents an opportunity to slow down, pause and reflect, in prayer or meditation.”



“With age does come experience and that can be a virtue if it is sensibly used. By being willing to put past differences behind us and move forward together, we honour the freedom and democracy once won for us at so great a cost.”

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



Better days will return. We will be with our friends again, we will be with our families again, we will meet again.”

(《We will meet again》是二戰期間英國廣為傳唱的一首歌曲,撫慰眾多因戰亂被迫分離的家人與愛人,英女王以此溫情替人民加油打氣。)



“Family does not necessarily mean blood relatives but often a description of a community, organisation or nation.”

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



“Each day is a new beginning, I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings, and to put my trust in God.”



“Over the years, those who have seemed to me to be the most happy, contented and fulfilled have always been the people who have lived the most outgoing and unselfish lives.“

Photo Credit: Instagram @theroyalfamily



“Prince Philip is, I believe, well-known for declining compliments of any kind. But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide.”



“It’s all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you’re properly trained.”
